
I’ve been missing in action after dropping a bomb a month ago.  I came back briefly when I raised my periscope and then was gone again. You see we’re facing a money meltdown in our family business and our resources (and income) are literally drying up.…

When cash is no longer king.

Don’t miss this show! It’s easy to give lip service to really talking about money. Today Jane begins a new format: real talk with real people. Instead of theoretical conversations with another expert, she brings in real situations to explore the realities of money.…Continue reading

Up Periscope

Something happened on the way to despair. After looking at the numbers, I was hopeless. There didn’t seem anyway out and all I could see were problems. My periscope was stuck in the down position and so was I. That’s when something said, “share your journey.”…

Where Do I Begin?

Where do I begin….? I woke up this morning to that song stuck in my head-you know the one – the one from Love Story. OK, so maybe you’re not old enough to remember it. Trust me, it’s annoying and so is the movie.…

Quiet on the Set!

Here I am in Nashville at a movie shoot—really!  I’ve been rubbing elbows with Terry Kiser of Weekend with Bernie fame. And although he made a great dead man, he’s much more impressive alive. He’s the star in The Body Sculptor.…

If This Isn’t Nice, What Is?

My son John’s friend, author Rob Kiser read this at his wedding this weekend. It says it all… John, since I’ve been ripping off your material for more than a decade, it should come as no surprise that my opening line was a shameless act of plagiarism.…

In Between

Last week I was anxious and although  I’m moving toward excitement, right now I’m spending time in melancholy. I’m in this state of melancholy because my son’s wedding (and other big life events) cause me to reflect on life. For me, this melancholy is about mellowness laced with a touch of sadness, wistfulness and even a bit of calmness.…

Please Hold…

I’ve been in a holding pattern. The last few weeks I can’t seem to get out of my way or get things moving. I haven’t written a blog for two weeks, worked on my book or drummed up business. I feel like all I’ve been doing is waiting to get on the other side and breathe.…

It’s Not About The Money: 5 Steps To Moving Out Of Financial Fear

5 steps to get rid of financial anxiety. Look around you, at your friends, extended family and even your co-workers and mutual acquaintances. Doesn’t it seem like everyone you know is navigating through some financial issue or situation? Ask any one of those people what the biggest, most stressful area of their life is and odds are, their answers will involve money in some form.…