We all hear about the high cost of education these days and this month I saw it first hand. I helped my husband at the community college off-campus bookstore that we own on the first few days of the semester. I don’t get too involved, but those early days we need all hands on deck.…
Breaking Bad
Let’s Talk
Sex and Money, the last two topics we don’t talk openly about in America. I first wrote this in my 2nd blog post almost three years ago. You know what? Things haven’t gotten much better. Sure, we have the surface conversations about what we or the government should do with our money—but do we ever really talk about how our beliefs and values show up?…
Harm Reduction: Nice Idea!
Recently I was introduced to the concept of harm reduction. It was offered to me in the context of food, but the term was first used in the field of alcohol and drug addiction. But to be brutally honest, food and money are just another form of addiction and so I decided to investigate this concept further.…
This morning I found myself at the Maine Mall—a place I try to avoid especially at this time of year. But those flyers in today’s newspapers were filled with those “too good to be true offers” and I was on my way.…
Smack Dab Between the Eyes
Here’s another excuse: I missed last week’s blog because I was recovering from a sharp blow to the head—one that was completely my fault—I tried to walk through a plate glass window. And, as those who know my walking can attest, I did it at a fairly good clip. …
Citizen Beware
Last week I heard someone use the phrase citizen beware while remarking that we had all become consumers. We’re used to hearing consumer beware of course, and it got me wondering what the connection is and what they had to do with money beliefs.…
Awareness is the Key
Since last Thursday, I have been at the 2nd half of a Gestalt workshop in Cape Cod. During the first week last May, we worked with couples, this week we are focusing on families and groups. We are being taught in an intriguing methodology for facilitating change in stuck relationships.…