With Thanksgiving fast approaching, our thoughts turn to thanks and gratitude. But, this morning, I began to think of it another way. We usually give thanks for what we have received—tangible or intangible. But knowing that receiving and giving are part of one continuous flow, shouldn’t we be just as thankful for what we give?…
Tax Me, Please.
Last week, National Public Radio had a segment about a letter (and video You Tube Video) to our leaders from The Patriotic Millionaires. Given my professional past, anything about taxes piques my interest. I remember years ago reading The Rape of the Taxpayer where I got an understanding of how tax policy can shape social policy.…
Harboring Resentments
As I was contemplating topics for this week’s blog, I really wanted it to be about the horrific earthquake in Japan. After all how could I turn a blind eye to the tragedy unfolding before us? I immediately thought about how disasters make us aware of how we are just one big family. …