The Rape Of The Taxpayer

I’m actually talking about a book by Philip Stern—not the way you feel approaching the tax deadline. I may be the only person who remembers this book from the early 1970’s, but The Rape of the Taxpayer changed my life with taxes.…

You Deserve a Break!

Face it, it’s been a tough winter—no matter where you are. Between freezing temperatures, snow, ice and torrential rainfalls, the polar vortex has to go. We all want to yell “uncle” and get beyond the out of control utility costs, lost days of work and everything else that’s added up to 2014’s huge financial toll.…

Reading Between the Good News Lines

Families take on increase in debt. The headline jumped out at me. Here we go again—we humans never learn.  And then I read on, Analysts say a $241 billion quarterly bump means Americans feel better about the economy.…


What did you get for Valentine’s Day? What did you give? Did it make you happy? Were you disappointed? Like most American holidays, Valentine’s Day is connected to buying and money! Are you destined to spend, spend, spend on every holiday?…


#3 on the list of the top 2014 New Year’s Resolutions is Spend Less and Save More. A version of that pledge makes that list every year. Even if you’re one of those that doesn’t make an implicit resolution—change of some kind is on everyone’s mind.…

New Year’s Re-Solution

It’s mid-month and by now (if you’re like the rest of the human race) your New Year’s Resolution is either nagging you like a bad tooth or becoming just a faint memory.  And since money is always one of the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions of any year, I’ll be you spend less and save more is causing problems again.…

Loaded – And Not In A Good Way

Have you ever noticed that money questions seem to always be loaded and that there’s never a good way to ask a question when it comes to money. Even the simplest question like “does this bill need to be paid now?”…

Don’t Blink

Okay, in spite of pledging to be a regular blogger again, I missed a week because I really didn’t want to weigh in on our government’s budgetary crisis. I hoped it would go away quickly so I could write about anything else.…

New Year’s Solutions

I think this year I’ll commit to a New Year’s Solution instead of a New Year’s Resolution.  Resolutions don’t seem to work for me.  Somehow resolving to make a change isn’t enough.  But, acting like I already have the answer feels like a better chance for success.…


Holidays are a time to count your blessings but our best intentions often get lost when money comes into the picture. How do you find peace today and every day in the midst of money stressors? How can youchange your mindset to appreciate what you have by staying focused on what you value most?…