Guest, Bob Wheeler, CPA, author of The Money Nerve joins host, Jane Honeck, to explore navigating the emotions of money. You’ll discover how to uncover your personal money nerve, the one that gets pinched every time you pay bills or watch a loved one waste their money.…
Summer Sighs
Every July we spend some extended time DownEast. It’s our special place and our special time. I wrote this blog a few years ago but love repeating it every summer. Hope you don’t mind….
I’ve been on a two week vacation in Robbinston, Maine, a very tiny town with no town center and only 500 or so people in almost 34 square miles. …
Everyday Decisions: Another Perspective
“Isn’t that interesting” is an attitude I try to remember whenever I have strong feelings about something. When I look at life with curiosity instead of judgment I can stay open to consider other perspectives. One of my followers sent me his perspective of my recent Everyday Decisions blog. …
Stop the world – it’s time to get off!
Holidays are a great excuse to stop our “normal” world and do something different. Whether we join in the festivities or not, we can just unplug and do nothing (or at least nothing as compared to our everyday lives). If you were lucky and didn’t have to work on the 4th of July, I hope you were able to do something different, something out of the ordinary—even if that was just watching mindless TV without feeling guilty!…