Jane Honeck

Time is Money

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This little piece is not really about money, but you know what they say – “Time is money!” Hope you enjoy it.
This past weekend I really looked forward to a weekend of relaxation, doing whatever I wanted, at whatever pace, whenever I felt like it. And, if that meant doing nothing – that was good, too. Two days of no alarm, no urgency to get moving, just two days of things my way. And then the text message came. My stepson was treating me to a manicure/pedicure at Lucinda’s Spa in Cumberland. Horrors of horrors. I was going to have to stick to a schedule. Of course, by then I had promised to go to the Farmer’s Market to pick up bird cookies to ship to Elaine before Christmas. So now it meant setting the alarm to fit that trip in before the 10:00 appointment. Afterwards would be too late. I set my alarm for 6:45.
That morning, bird cookies in my trunk (along with a gift for Arlene and a new wreath), I arrive at Lucinda’s with no time to spare. On the way I reread the text verifying that my daughter-in-law Karla would be joining me. Her car not there yet, I hurry in because I need the bathroom – there was no time for that at the Market. As I announce my arrival at the front desk, they are puzzled and say they can’t find my appointment. “You figure that out,” I say, “I’ll be right back.” But as I sit in the bathroom, I look at the text for the third time and discover my treat is for Sunday – not Saturday. Horror of horrors – I have to repeat this day tomorrow. But maybe it’s not all bad – this means I can’t go to that surprise birthday party – a reprieve of sorts.
And, it was a reprieve that I find when I settle into Lucinda’s the next day. A bit too relaxing at the beginning – why weren’t they doing the manicure at the same time as the pedicure? Didn’t they know how inefficient that is? And, did they really need to soak my feet that long? But, as they place the hot stones under my insteps and between my toes, relaxation begins to seep in.
Maybe  it’s the heat that eases out the tension from clenched toes and clenched jaw. Or maybe it’s the hot stones massaging my galloping calves that finally slow me down enough to notice the beautiful surroundings, the soothing music and the calm landscape outside the broad windows. With toes like Christmas ornaments, I shuffle into the manicure room, finding the same peaceful view outside the windows and settle into the calm environs to continue real conversation with my daughter-in-law.
Relaxation, an oasis in a desert of multi-tasking, busyness and electronic noise. Relaxation, a moment of calm and peace in a world too full.  Relaxation – I must schedule that….
Hope you find your oasis in this Holiday Season!

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