Jane Honeck

Fear Itself.

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My friend Jerry’s musings on a rainy day in the Pacific Northwest, ended with, “fear sure does change things quickly, doesn’t it?”  Wow, is that the truth!  Any moment in our life can change on a dime when fear creeps in.

A picture perfect day on the rocky coast of Maine can shift to deep-seated panic if we look down and imagine the consequences of a misstep and a fall.  Watching the joy and wonder on my grandson’s face as he struggles to coordinate his first steps with holding a ball – only to be horrified to see it’s the dog’s old, scummy ball.  Dreaming about future plans for our children, our home, our retirement – you name it – fun and creative until fear creeps in.

Along with all the other fears in our lives, money fear is ready to pounce at any moment.  We begin thinking of all the negative what ifs? What if I lose my job?  What if insurance won’t cover? What if we have to replace it all?  What if, what if, what if?  All these what ifs are driven by fear and “fear sure does change things quickly, doesn’t it?”

So, what if we said no to fear and instead dwelled in the positive what ifs?  What if I get a promotion?  What if insurance covers it all?  What if it’s just a minor repair?  What if my grandson becomes a pitcher?  After all, there is just as much possibility in positive outcomes, isn’t there?  And, if we remember to dwell in the positive, we can make it happen.  FDR’s familiar quote “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” was actually adapted from Sir Francis Bacon’s 400 year old words.  So, I guess there must be some truth to it.

So next time you find yourself caught in a negative what if, see if you can turn it around and find the positive.  After all, doesn’t trust, courage or calmness change things just as quickly?

I think I can, I think I can; I know I can!

3 thoughts on “Fear Itself.”

  1. Very helpful comments, Jane, thanks. I recently found myself afraid of getting sick. Not an unreasonable fear after watching my husband sicken and die of cancer at age 54. But lying awake scared of having a stroke doesn’t accomplish much. So I consulted my financial advisor, made sure I had adequate disability insurance, got my blood pressure checked, and continued to place regular exercise and proper diet at the top of my priority list–before work, even before family, as my health is actually the most important way I can take care of and be with them.

    During my husband’s illness, I found that every moment we spent in fear–and there were many such moments, for good reasons–were moments stolen from the limited good time we had together. It took effort, but we managed to set fear aside, deal with very real challenges, and make sure we had fun every day.

  2. Your comments magnify what I was saying by adding real life experiences to it. Thanks so much for sharing your lessons with us.

  3. It’s always fun to wake up in the morning and find yourself quoted! Your thoughts are straightforward and oh so valuable Jane! Look forward to seeing you soon!! Love, Jerry

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