I’ve been at a training session in Cape Cod since last Thursday. The training has been tremendous for honing my skills in money coaching individuals and couples. But the best part has been staying with my 11 year-old granddaughter and experiencing life on Cape Cod through her eyes.
Cape Cod has always been an enigma to me. Being from the Midwest, I haven’t had a lot of time on the Cape and always saw it as an ostentatious place that I wasn’t much interested in. But seeing it from my granddaughter’s viewpoint, I finally get it. She has lived here most of her life and is living the life I wish so many of our children could.
We’ve been on walks where she showed me her world and all its natural beauty – through woods, on edges of marshes, up high hills – all places that she loves and lives in every day. Our trip to a local Truro beach didn’t result in the usual walk along the water’s edge. Oh no, it was a carefully orchestrated walk around the dune grass, through the marsh to an inlet where we avoided crabs as we ventured across water sometimes deeper than we thought. What an adventure for me – someone not very courageous with these things.
So, seeing Cape Cod through the eyes of my granddaughter, I see the currency of Cape Cod, not in the stunning homes or expensive tourist shops and restaurants, but rather through the natural, free beauty of the land and sea. Things that are free and available to all of us – but, only if we can find them among all the distractions of our world.
Cape Cod during off season, makes it easier. But what about those of us who find ourselves every day in the midst of overvalued and costly distractions – how do we remember?
I could use some help – what do you do?
4 thoughts on “Cape Cod Currency”
You have a successful business which would probably run a lot more independently than you currently have it running. Why not shorten your work week and take the extra time to be in nature more? I may be wrong, but it seems from the outside that you would be in a great position to allow yourself to reevaluate and re-prioritize. Why wait until retirement to enjoy life?
You’re absolutely right – stay tuned for some changes I’ve already made!
We’ve bought some retirement real estate (Washington County, ME and Florida) but cannot retire for 2-4 years. I tacked up scenic photos over my desk at work. On the really annoying days, I just look at my photos and know that there is a better day coming. But not soon enough!!
Great reminder – we too have a small home in Washington County. But, even though I can’t get up there as much as I’d like, I can keep reminding myself of how I feel up there. Thanks for the reminder!