Jane Honeck

Are you financially conscious?

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I’ve been talking alot about the unexamined beliefs and values that are the foundation of our lives with money.  All this talk is well and good—but what are we going to do about it?  To shift the beliefs that have been driving our problems with money, we need to become financially conscious.
Financially conscious—what does that mean?  It means being conscious about our beliefs and using this consciousness to change our behavior.  It means being aware of how we deal with money—or don’t deal with money.  It’s about being in real relationship with our money.  Not in dysfunctional ways–but fully involved with how we think, feel and act with our money.
So, to put my money where my mouth is, I’ve decided to share my journey with you.  I’ve been thinking about this for a month—that’s why you haven’t heard from me for awhile.  I held back because the thought of being fully conscious with money scares me just as much as it scares you.  And having to share all of me, my good moments and my bad is a bit intimidating.
But I know we learn from each other and I can’t expect people to follow my words if I’m not doing it myself.  So, stay tuned and follow my journey.  And if you’re up to it – join me.  I’d love your comments (and suggestions) along the way!
Here goes nothing!

8 thoughts on “Are you financially conscious?”

  1. Jane, you are such a tease. This is like a really good movie trailer. When can I buy a ticket and watch the whole show??? I have recently been thinking a lot about some big financial changes but want to be sure me choice to become active rather than passive with my money is well motivated and that I make a good choice.

    1. ..theproblemwithmoney

      Hi Larissa;
      Believe me it’s not a tease! Join me, it’s bound to be an interesting journey. I can’t even begin to tell you how I’ve been avoiding this commitment. I know it’s the same way we all feel about money. In the words of ???, It ain’t easy…

  2. Jane,

    I can’t wait to hear your story! We can learn so much from you and your limting beliefs and how you change them and your life finacially. I know a few of my limiting beliefs are: I don’t have enough money (grew up with parents that didn’t believe they had enough money and had to work hard for it), It is not right to take money from others (learned as a child when I was told not to accept money from relatives just giving me money when they visited, but okay for birthdays or holidays,etc.)and I have to work hard for money (puritian work ethic – work hard, do good, and you will be rewarded). This is truly inspiring work! Love Judy

  3. To talk about money is to expose the inner believes and struggles we all have. Money is the topic that so controls our lives and yet is the topic that can set us free. I have known you for a long time and so value your willingness to write the words that so few are willing to speak. Thanks Jane keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Jane,
    I don’t often comment on blogs, but this seemed so appropriate. I used to say that as a CPA I used to help people balance their books, and as a PAC (Prosperity Achievement Coach) I know help people balance their WHOLE life (Wealth, Health, Offices, Lovelife, Excursions (travel)). The topic of money always comes up within the first 2 sessions. I would love to join you on this journey, especially since I have a bit more time to blog since end of tax season is nearing (10/15). Nice to be chatting with you again.

  5. HI Jane
    I can’t wait to hear more! I am starting to take a deep look at our finances and what is holding me back by focusing my energies on our financial flow at least once a week. i used to avoid it, but am now taking an active role in creating a healthy relationship with money. am sooo looking forward to read what you’ve got to say

  6. I believe you have been conscious of money for a very long time; look how good you are in your chosen profession. But bringing it to the forefront of everyone’s mind…especially the need to save, (what do they call it now: pay yourself first) well, that is a “very good thing” because you will definitely have a close relationship with money once you retire…..

    From one of your older friends…..

  7. Hey Jane. This and you are VERY helpful with my release from poverty consciousness. I am recreating my relationship with money to include putting money where my heart is. It is no longer an evil tool of the oppressor or something others can have in my childhood memories. Thank you fo your continued illumination!!!

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