Nobody Knows the Taxes I’ve Seen

Try as I might, I haven’t been able to come up with any creative money ideas this week – seems I’m stuck in my tax brain. As April 15 comes closer, my analytical side takes over and my creativity goes undercover.…

The Grasshopper and the Ant

High winds and rain took out a lot of power lines in Maine last week. Here in Freeport we were in the dark for two days – not long compared to others but enough to throw a kink into daily activities.…

Money Olympics

With the Olympics capturing all of our attention this past week, I just had to write an Olympic blog.  But what a dilemma – how to connect money to it.  And, then as I watched the bobsled races, I thought I should be able to come up with some correlation between the events and money.…

What Happens in Vegas

Recently I was speaking with a client just back from a business trip to Las Vegas. We shared stories about what a bizarre place Vegas is with its over the top hotels, restaurants, and shops; of how the bright lights, incessant sounds and endless choices of experiences lull you into a false sense of reality.…

Creativity Lost

Did you ever have one of those weeks where you just can’t get out of your own way? Where thoughts just swirl around and around and never seem to land anywhere? Well that was my last week. At the end of the week, I realized I had missed my weekly blog.…

I Don’t Think So!

Sunday, after saying goodbye to our granddaughter following her Boston weekend with us, the wait person remarked, “Grandchildren love being with us because we always buy them anything they want”.  And, I fell into the trap of accepting one of society’s programmed beliefs about grandparents and grandchildren. …

It’s So Depressing….

According to a psychological study, the third Monday in January is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year.  I guess we’re blue because it’s after the holidays, days are still dark and dreary and it will be months before there is another holiday. …

You can run but you can’t hide!

Last week I was a guest on Marcelle Pick’s Core Balance for Women’s Health show at Hay House Radio. It was exciting to have a venue to speak passionately about how beliefs drive the bus of our financial lives. I know that without being conscious of our money beliefs we can’t make real, lasting change in our finances and now I was given a chance to tell the world!…

Making Waves

At the beginning of a new year (and a new decade) I’m ready to plunge right in and make waves.  Presented with the clean slate of a new year, I’m ready to march forward with plans to do things differently.  I want to make changes with my money, my food, my family, my home, my work – you name it – it’s doomed for an extreme makeover!…

New Year’s Solutions

I think this year I’ll commit to a New Year’s Solution instead of a New Year’s Resolution.  Resolutions don’t seem to work for me.  Somehow resolving to make a change isn’t enough.  But, acting like I already have the answer feels like a better chance for success.…